Our Services

From proof of concepts (PoC) and minimum viable products (MVP) to complex systems of an enterprise-level – we’ve got everything covered

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Web Development

Web Development is not just about creating a website. Its about creating an experience for your customer, a website that goes beyond design and technology

Web Design

It is a process that is used to create the layout and structure of a website.

Custom Applications

Custom application is the process of building a web application from scratch.

UI/UX Design

Applied design philosophy to build great user experience and accessability.

Mobile Optimized

Optmized content understand the mobile user..

Content Strategy



Applied design philosophy to build great user experience and accessability.

Hosting & Domain

Launch your site with one of the best domain hosting providers on the market.

Business Applications

Scalable web architecture designed to grow and adapt with your evolving business.

Business Applications

Abodonza develops expandable web architecture so as your business grows and changes, additional.


We specialize in custom developed E-Commerce websites, online shopping cart & check out applications, and full client, inventory

Content Manager (CMS)

custom content manager allows you to update your text, photos, graphics easily and instantly.

Database Development

Whatever the level of database integration you decide upon, we can give you the latest information and guidance in establishing

Web Portal

A web portal is a platform that helps organizations provide access to their content. Web portals can be aimed at employees, clients.


Provides a more focused and clearer presentation of your specific brand of product

Mobile Development

Abodonza Team can create a highly impactful user interface and dynamic user functions for your company mobile app. From mobile phones to PDAs and tablets, we have deep knowledge across many platforms.

Mobile Application

unique planning & prototyping system allows you to see and refine your users experience before we move to programming.

Mobile App Marketing

Get your app discovered! With millions of apps across iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and other platforms


Connect, communicate and learn from your Customers through Digital Marketing efforts.

Social Media

Social Media Agency A top social media & content digital marketing company. Social media and content are two of the most.

API & Web 2.0

find a multi-pronged marketing strategy, an unforgettable brand, an arsenal of print marketing tools.

Social Network Website

Our programmers build the site up from a module based platform that allows the ability to easily.


3D graphic animations, including animated 3D models, bring to life difficult concepts and ideas.

Marketing & Branding

We start with a clear brand strategy, define the parameters, come up with a powerful idea, and then tell your company’s story through consistent messaging across all platforms.

Seo Marketing

Search engine optimization is the backbone of any digital marketing strategy.

Marketing Strategy

Developing a content strategy is a big task; we‘re here to make it easier. Read our blog to get content strategy tips and ideas.


Corporate branding/identity development are the most important investments a company can make.


Corporate logo design, cartoon logo design, and brand management. We’ve created logos for all industries

Support & Maintenance

We keep website up-to-date and running smoothly as well as performing optimally

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